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​Toddler Class *New in Sept 2023*


We were excited to open our toddler class in September 2023. This accommodates children who are 15 months and older. There are a maximum 8 toddlers in the classroom with two members staff.   It is intended to be a very nurturing environment where the children can be given more adult support emotionally as they transition into their new setting.    Toddlers can attend two, three or five sessions per week.

​2 Year Old Class


 Children in the two year old class are given lots of space and time to explore inside and out. Every area of their development is supported through play and interactions with materials, teachers and peers. There is a focus on building independence, language and social play skills within a nurturing environment. The maximum number of children in the class is 14 and there are two teachers and an assistant with the group.  Two year olds can attend two, three or five sessions per week.

​3 Year Old Class​


In our three year old class more time is spent in cooperative play and the teachers continue to support all aspects of their development.  Themes and areas of interest are looked at more closely as language, comprehension and curiosity in the world around them grows.  The ratio in this class is 1 teacher to 8 children with a maximum of 16 children in the room. Three year olds can attend three or five sessions per week.


4 Year Old Class​

 In the four year old class there is a balance between meeting the needs of the children as four year olds by continuing to allow rich play experiences, and focusing on more school readiness skills.  The children are introduced to phonics through the Letters and Sounds program and look more closely at number concepts.  Pre-math and early literacy skills are also enhanced through the Handwriting Without Tears program and play activities. The ratio in the four year old class is 1-8 with a maximum of 8 children.  The children in this class attend five sessions per week.

Lunch Bunch

We have two optional afternoon programmes - one that runs till 1pm and the other that runs until 3.30pm.  This program is open to the two year old class and older. The children have a packed lunch from home which they eat sitting together with a teacher, and then a quiet time listening to music or reading books.  The extended afternoon is very relaxed and the children will play indoors and out.   We encourage healthy lunches.  Due to the high incidence of nut allergies we are a nut free school. 

Music Together® ​



Play with a Purpose is a licensed Music Together®  school and we have a trained music specialist who comes twice a week to lead the Music Together®  program.  This is a rich musical program where children participate in singing, moving to music and exploring musical instruments. Accompanying CDs and books come home twice a year to enhance their musical experiences.  For more information on Music Together click here.

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