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“It is becoming increasingly clear through research on the brain, as well as in other areas of study, that childhood needs play. Play acts as a forward feed mechanism into courageous, creative, rigorous thinking in adulthood.”

Tina Bruce

Professor, London Metropolitan University

Our curriculum at Play with a Purpose is holistic and designed around five areas of development:


Physical: opportunities are provided to develop large motor skills  and spatial awareness as well as fine motor skills.  


Knowledge and Understanding:  Learning takes place by looking at different themes and areas of interest over the course of the year.  This promotes a greater understanding of the natural world, how things work and the roles people play in our lives.  Basic concepts are incorporated into every day activities. 


Communication and Language: Lots of opportunites for talking, listening and sharing information as well as looking at and listening to books and stories.  Children are exposed to the written word and phonemic awareness in a playful age appropriate way.


Emotional and Social: Through play and the daily routine we encourage and support independence skills, social problem solving skills, self-regulation skills and learning to play and work with other children and adults.

Creative:  Through play and open ended art and craft activities we allow children to explore many mediums and encourage their own creativity.

Our Mission

At Play with a Purpose our mission is to support children in their development, within a safe and accepting environment where they can explore, grow and learn while developing a strong sense of self, care for others and the world around them. 

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